🌟2025 一心中文夏日學🌟
Yixin Chinese Summer School
🌟 提醒大家:
Registration is officially open! Join us for a joyful learning experience with a fully immersive Chinese environment, language practice courses, and cultural exchanges. Let’s enhance Chinese skills while exploring the beauty of Chinese culture!
🌟 A friendly reminder:
Please carefully review the program poster. Registration will only be confirmed after both the form submission and payment are completed.
You'll receive a confirmation email within one week of successful registration!
📅 早鳥優惠 / Early Bird: 2025年1月20日 - 3月15日 (January 20 – March 15, 2025)
🌟報名表/ Registration🌟
📩 有任何問題,歡迎隨時聯繫我們!
If you have any questions, feel free to contact us anytime! 😊